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Mika Vepsalainen

Schubert Geburtshaus - Schubert had a Fifi...

Updated: Mar 17, 2023

... in his birth house in Nußdorfer Straße in Vienna where he lived 1797 - 1802.

Schubert was born in this house on 31 January 1797 and lived there the first five years of his life. His parents were well-to-do enough to have a two-room flat for 15 kids while the rest of the house was the home of over seventy people in sixteen one-room flats. The flat had a fireplace for cooking and heating in the kitchen from where the warm air was let into the other room of the flat.

A kind of Franz Schubert's trademark were his glasses and surprisingly someone has brought them here. Similarly, on the wall, there is a guitar that Schubert had apparently given to somebody else as a gift. Outside the flat at the main door to the Schuberts, interestingly, there is also a wine press! All these tremendously interesting things that one can only see in a museum are definitely worth a visit! I wonder, though, what Salieri’s portrait does here as he was supposed to kill Mozart, right?

There is no loo nor lift, so the first-floor museum is not really for you if you come in a wheelchair or with a pram. However, the museum shop looks sweet opposite of the ticket desk and some of the items might even make nice gifts!

Next to to the Schuberts’ flat, there are Adalbert Stifter Memorial Rooms. Adalbert was an author and landscape painter with some fifty nice paintings on show. (Actually, I lied, the Fifi picture is a painting by Stifter but check Döbling, Vienna 1190 for Fifis, I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed!) In addition, almost opposite of the Schubert museum, on the other side of the Nußdorfer Straße, there is a memorial plate of Richard Gerstl, the father of expressionism in Austria who had lived there about a hundred years after Schubert. A very cultured neighbourhood to visit with me!

1090 Vienna, Nußdorfer Strasse 54


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