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Museum Ludwig - True Art for the Heart and the Mind in Cologne

Mika Vepsalainen

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

Join us for a visit at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne to see some of the best 20th century art in the world!

The Permanent collection of the Museum Ludwig includes Eu­rope’s most ex­ten­sive col­lec­tion of Pop Art, the third-largest Pi­cas­so col­lec­tion in the world, one of the most im­por­tant col­lec­tions of Ger­man ex­pres­sion­ism, out­s­tand­ing works from the Rus­sian avant-garde and much more - you will not be disappointed!

Some extraordinary individuals such as the Ludwig and Haubrich families gave their extensive collections to the city of Cologne and, in exchange for these donations, the city built a home for the art designed by architects Busmann and Haberer in 1986.

To­day the Mu­se­um Lud­wig is home to the largest col­lec­tion of Amer­i­can Pop Art out­side the Unit­ed States but you should also check the works of Johns, Licht­en­stein, Ol­d­en­burg, Picasso, Rauschenberg, Rosen­quist, Warhol and many others. Actually, Cologne sports the third largest Picasso collection in the world! Similarly, the museum’s exceptional collection includes a number of world masterpieces by Goncharo­va, Lari­onov, Rodchenko, and Male­vich as the collection is the most im­por­tant public col­lec­tion of Rus­sian art in the West with over 600 works.

To give a bit of an edge, the museum also portraits the art history of the Rhineland with key works by some classy boys and girls of the region and, with 70,000 works, the museum is one of the first mu­se­ums of mod­ern and con­tem­po­rary art to de­vote a se­parate col­lec­tion to pho­tog­ra­phy since 1977. Part of the collection can also be seen online on the museum’s website.

In the temporary exhibition area, there was a fantastic exhibition of Isamu Noguchi during our visit in spring 2022 - have a look at some of the pics below!

There is a bar­ri­er-free ac­cess to the museum via an el­e­va­tor on Bis­chofs­garten­s­traße. The en­trance to the el­e­va­tor is lo­cat­ed be­low the south en­trance to the mu­se­um. Ring the bell on the left side of the glass door. All ex­hi­bi­tion ar­eas in the build­ing can be reached via el­e­va­tors.

There are three wheelchair-ac­ces­si­ble toi­lets in the build­ing: one in the foy­er of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig, another on the base­ment lev­el (con­tem­po­rary art col­lec­tion), and another be­tween the Film­fo­rum NRW and the mu­se­um li­brary. Take a museum map from the ticket desk to see where these are located.

The mu­se­um has a superb bookstore, Buch­hand­lung Walther König at the en­trance area, on the cathe­dral side and is ac­ces­si­ble with­out stairs but mind you: the shop is pretty stuffed and it may be a bit difficult to move or access some areas that require taking a few steps up a staircase.

The café-restaurant "Ludwig im Museum" is located in a brilliant place above the Philharmonie with a breathtaking glass façade, definitely worth a visit. Ludwig boasts a local cuisine down to the finest details including home roasted coffee, not to mention the special menus for those preferring vegan, gluten and lactose free dishes. The res­tau­rant is hand­i­capped-ac­ces­si­ble via a ramp in the tick­et desk area. You can al­so en­ter the cafe from out­side the build­ing with­out stairs but you need to use the loos of the museum as there is no accessible one in the restaurant.

Mu­se­um Lud­wig Hein­rich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln, Ger­many

Museum visit and photos by Ali Okumus.


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